Passive Skill:
- Weapon Skill - +10% M. Atk, +80% Int, +80% Wis
- Class Passive - Heel
- Perception Attack - Int
- Perception Defense - Vit + P. Def
- Unchained Blood
- Unchained Soul
- Strength of Nature
Active Skill:
- Tissue Recovery
- Gracious Light*
- Hide Tracks: -50% Threat Level 1
- Encouragement: M. Atk^
- Summoner Armor / Magician Armor
- Belt Ability
Additional Note:
* - Healing Light and Prayer are acceptable replacement
^ - Good to have
Other skills are down to preferences.
For example a pet class would prefer:
Pet A - Unity Unicorn Relic, Soothing Globe, Tissue Activation, Field of Corruption, Equivalent Exchange
- Unity: Relic - Tefari (9.1), Unicorn, Undine, Blue Pixie
- Stage Skill - Favoritism, Kiss of The Goddess, Soothing Globe
- Level 115 Skill - Tissue Activation, Resurrection Light, Painful Aria
- Level 140 Skill - Field of Corruption, Master Devotion, Monarch's Authority: Spiritual Awakening
- Class Active - Plea of The Pious, Equivalent Exchange
For example a pet class would prefer:
Pet A - Unity Unicorn Relic, Soothing Globe, Tissue Activation, Field of Corruption, Equivalent Exchange
Pet B - Unity Undine Relic, Favoritism, Painful Aria, Master Devotion, Plea of The Pious
A caster class would prefer:
Unity Undine Relic, Favoritism, Tissue Activation, Monarch's Authority: Spiritual Awakening, Equivalent Exchange
A melee class would prefer:
Unity Blue Pixie Relic, Favoritism, Tissue Activation, Master Devotion, Plea of The Pious